Superadministration Page

Create simple gallery template

File directory  [select]
Template file name  [text box]
Template name  [text box]
Background colours  {default white}
Gallery title cell backgrouind
Page background
Gallery global default  [select - type, colour, normal/bold/italic, align left/centre/right]
Gallery title  [select - type, colour, normal/bold/italic, align left/centre/right]
Section title  [select - type, colour, normal/bold/italic, align left/centre/right]
Row title  [select - type, colour, normal/bold/italic, align left/centre/right]
Image title  [select - type, colour, normal/bold/italic, align left/centre/right]
Short description  [select - type, colour, normal/bold/italic, align left/centre/right]

Number of rows per page [text box]
Number of cells (images) per row  [text box]
Cell width [text box] pixels or [text box] %
Cell padding [text box] pixels
Cell alignment within a row [left, equally distibuted, right]
Thumbnail size: height [text box] pixels or width [text box] pixels
Large image size: as uploaded [x] or height [text box] pixels or width [text box] pixels
Alignment of images within cells [left, right, centre]


Open gallery to enter text and images {auto save gallery layout}

Save      Save and close {returns to Home}